Private & Semi-Private Gymnastics Lessons

Private/Semi Private lessons are available on a monthly basis in 30 minute, 45 minute, or 1 hour time slots. Lessons are scheduled according to coach availability. We reserve the right to reschedule private lessons if coach availability changes.
Please download the form and return the completed form to the office by email at [email protected] or in person. You will be contacted regarding your request.
Please complete a separate form for each enrolling child.
MAKE-UPS: We do not reschedule, prorate tuition, or refund payments due to missed lessons.
WITHDRAWAL: The office must receive written notification by the 20th of the student’s last month if you are cancelling your lessons. Verbal notification will not be acceptable. You will be charged a monthly tuition until a written drop notice has been received.

Tuition Info
A $50 Yearly Registration Fee is required for each student.
Prices displayed are for monthly tuition assuming 4 lessons per month.
Months with more than 4 lessons will be billed accordingly with additional lesson fees.
Please view the Private Lesson Registration Form for more information
about tuition and billing for private and semi-private lessons.
Private Lessons
Single Student. Tuition varies. Available in 30, 45, and 60 minute lessons.- $160-300month
Semi-Private Lessons
Two students. Tuition varies. Available in 30, 45 and 60 minute lessons.- $120-200month
Download the Private Lessons Registration Form
Submit your completed form to the office. You will be contacted regarding availability.